Social Capital in Pakistan
Pakistan is a society that seems to have lost self confidence and self esteem. Opinion pieces are beginning to recognize that what is driving us to failure may lie deep in some intangible factor in ourselves and our society. Shafqat Mahmood writes in a column entitled, “The absence of morality ” (Jan 29, 10) “We are a deeply religious people. We even have it in our Constitution that no law would be made that is not in conformity with Holy Quran and Sunnah. And we don't just leave it to a verbal commitment. The attendance in mosques for prayers and at other religious occasions is large and growing. And yet, how do we explain this moral vacuum within? Morality is a luxury in our society. Pragmatism a necessity.” Ayaz Amir writes in a column entitled “ A governing class which makes one cry ” (Jan 15. 2010) “Odysseus would have had to revise his understanding of patience were he to have undertaken his voyages in the salubrious climate of the Islamic Republic. Adversity an...