“Not in this century!”
Listed below are all the questions that I can think of that can easily be answered by the title of this article---“not in this century!” Sports and achievement When will Pakistan host the Olympic games? When will we be the seventh largest winner of Olympic medals given that we are the seventh largest country population-wise? When will we win major tournaments like Wimbledon ? When will be counted in the world of sport commensurate to our size? When will have professionalism? In the army? In the civil service? In business? In academia? Anywhere? Learning and innovating! When will we win the Nobel Prize? When will we become innovators? When will Pakistanis start participating in the race for patents? When will we engage in serious research? When will we count in education? When will our universities be a destination of choice for foreign students? When will professors and professionals desire to come to our country? When will Nobel Laureate Abdus Salam be a...