
Showing posts from October, 2009

Gaining “Independence”: An Alternative Reality

“Come in! Gentlemen, come in!” said Mr. Dawit as he looked distractedly from his rather engrossed conversation with a very official looking gentlemen. “Please have a seat. Make yourself comfortable. Just give me a minute and I will be with you. Unfortunately this message from the president is very important and has to be dealt with immediately.” With that, he went back to his conversation with the very official looking gentleman seated next to him. The tone of the conversation was much too low for the three rather timid looking gentlemen who had been invited into the very spacious and well-appointed suite of the finest hotel of the time in Philadelphia . The atmosphere was very imposing for our three colonial gentlemen who rarely entered such opulent surroundings. The two gentlemen huddled in that very official conversation were also of a superior air and manner, obviously used to greater wealth and privilege than their three visitors. The latter huddled together on one small so...

The Process of Rentseeking--A club in Lahore

Share this story! Masood Hasan's article in the news reproduced below is one of the first attempts to show how the nature of elite rentseeking. No only do they continue to get subsidies for elite country clubs but they also run those institutions in teh most corrupt manner possible. We must do much more to expose this dark side of Pakistan's elitism and rentseeking. A number of deep rooted political economy issues need to be exposed through this effort to generate an understanding and a momentum for reform. On Wednesday, October 21, 2009 Masood Hasan wrote "Those who lament the better days of the past that are no more could perhaps be forgiven for being nostalgic. One refers to the garish and cheap Club that is now the successor of what was once an elegant establishment at the Montgomery Hall in Lahore's Lawrence Gardens. That Club where people of good breeding and class were to be found is long gone, replaced as so oft...

Parvez Hoodbhoy remembers a friend

Faheem Husain was someone that many of us from the seventies generation admired. In the article below, Parvez Hodhbhoy captures him better than I have words for. Why do we in Pakistan not use, honor and cherish people like Fahim? Faheem Hussain -- as I knew him It was mid-October 1973 when, after a gruelling 26-hour train ride from Karachi, I reached the physics department of Islamabad University (or Quaid-e-Azam University, as it is now known). As I dumped my luggage and "hold-all" in front of the chairman's office, a tall, handsome man with twinkling eyes looked at me curiously. He was wearing a bright orange Che Guevara t-shirt and shocking green pants. His long beard, though shorter than mine, was just as unruly and unkempt. We struck up a conversation. At 23, I had just graduated from MIT and was to be a lecturer in the department; he had already been teaching as associate professor for five years. The conversation turned out to be the beginning of a lifelong friends...

Who's Corrupt?

I am from a corrupt country. On the Transparency International (TI) index, Pakistan ranks 134 out of 180. Indeed, stories of our leaders’ corruption are rife and we are continually looked upon with suspicion. We also believe that we are bad, very bad! We are called corrupt because of perception surveys. Question include “do you expect to pay a bribe when you get a certain public service”. So if a minor underpaid functionary in tattered clothes collects a small tip of a few dollars, of course that is bribery. And then dark, poor countries are considered corrupt! But recently, this has become laughable. The pure countries at the top of the TI scale — the white countries — do not seem so lily white. Of course there is no little guy collecting small bribes and there are no meaningful bribes collected for providing public services. But then as we have seen in the last two decades, corporate balance sheets have been doctored, shareholders ripped off by venal corporate bosses while boards gle...