On Wednesday, October 21, 2009 Masood Hasan wrote
"Those who lament the better days of the past that are no more could perhaps be forgiven for being nostalgic. One refers to the garish and cheap Club that is now the successor of what was once an elegant establishment at the Montgomery Hall in Lahore's Lawrence Gardens. That Club where people of good breeding and class were to be found is long gone, replaced as so often in Pakistan with a motley crowd of power-hungry boors, crooks, yobs and the uneducated. We have destroyed yet another fine institution.
But even if you grant it the benefit of the doubt --- that a club after all is only a reflection of the social values that are prevalent, you cannot accept the rampant decline in standards and etiquette and large-scale looting, plunder and criminal inefficiency. It is simply shocking. This is white and blue collar crime working in tandem. The Club is a favorite hunting ground for bureaucrats. They continue to rule the Club under one dispensation or another and win elections one way or another to retain power.
Club resources are stretched. The losses are in the millions. A grant of Rs50 million shamelessly accepted from the government of Punjab (amidst thunderous applause from the worthies when announced by the then chairman) was quietly channeled into the main accounts. The 2007-08 losses of Rs32m transformed into profit! Allah be praised indeed.
What plagues the Club would fill out this entire newspaper, but suffice to say that there is literally no area where inefficiency, corruption, violation of laws and total fiscal mismanagement does not hold sway. With over 6,000 members on the rolls and many more waiting to get in, you would think that at least financially the club was doing well, but it is not. Of the 15 areas of its operations, it on average reports losses in 12 and measly minor gains in the remaining three. It has an army of employees – over 800 and administrative losses of Rs27m. Rs8m losses in golf, Rs6.2m catering and bar services, Rs4m tennis, Rs3m swimming, Rs2m each cricket and billiards, Rs1.9m cards, Rs1.4m squash, Rs0.7m library, Rs0.3m tambola and Rs0.2m children/women's functions. No way to run a railroad is it? Why are elitist games like golf subsidized? Fees have been raised recently but the raises are meaningless. Losses upwards of Rs.22m are being incurred on sports. This is criminal. Where is the management and what is it thinking? Raise the fees and lose the votes?
Where it is slowly recovering is The Shoppe and guest rooms. There are many stories about senior members holding rooms from one end of the year to the other without payment. Rooms can be hired in advance if you have the right connections while genuine members are always denied the same even when applying weeks in advance. The gym and wellness centre (outsourced), music and film shows and the sports shop are making minor profits. Overall, as of June 30, 2009, the club's losses stand at Rs14 million down from losses of Rs32 million but how kosher are these figures? Everything about the club is tainted and that's a crying shame. The present committee has done precious little to steer the boat ahead safely. As is the custom in the Land of the Pure, some lowly flunky is strung up as a scapegoat and punished.
When it's election time in December the same faces – Lahore's pillars of society, will be popping up to carry on their agenda of mismanagement. When you experience the canvassing onslaught from members, you wonder if they are fighting for the US Presidency or just a Club. It is now common knowledge that the 2008 elections were blatantly rigged. In January this year, 116 permanent members filed a written complaint highlighting serious instances of rigging, misappropriation of funds, violation of laws, etc For all their trouble, they received stony silence from those who were too busy eating into the Club's resources and having a ball. At the last annual general meeting, the chairman astounded everyone – other than his gang, that the number of permanent members was now 'higher' than those listed in the electoral rolls. This was blatant abuse of authority and ensured that the vote would tilt the election in favor of the junta. The matter was brought to the attention of the CEC, Justice (r) Tanvir Khan, who did just the right thing. Nothing.
On another written enquiry moved by members, the club secretary - another compliant cog in the greasy wheel - admitted that 140 regular members had became permanent, 167 regular members were 'inducted' and 53 'A' members were made regular. This was done without the knowledge or approval of the management committee. That this was a violation of club rules and proof of a massive pre-poll rigging did not impress anybody. When the CEC was again approached, he professed helplessness. He also chose not to resign for that would have been an honorable thing. Letters written to the chairman and club secretary have evoked no response. The various 'conveners' who in reality are the viceroys together with whoever is the chairman, simply carry on regardless.
The Shoppe spawned more jokes than all the Sikh jokes that do the rounds and made the Club the laughing stock of the city. A probe committee discovered that goods in excess of Rs11.6m were 'short supplied' to the Club in a period of just six months. The Club's response was to register an FIR against four of the lowlies. No one questioned the big, fat cats. Social circles regaled one another with stories about 10,000 litres of milk and 110,000 eggs having vanished in just six months. The Club said the rats had taken these. For once they were telling the truth. Rats indeed. The Club's already tattered reputation thus sank further and has continued to sink. And this is one area.
In October this year, senior members wrote to the chairman on a subject – misappropriation of funds – and received no answer, the established SOP now. The management committee's 12-page report in the Annual Report 2008 is silent about the various misappropriations. After 18 months of dilly-dallying CCTV cameras were finally installed to check large-scale pilferage in the kitchens but were sabotaged instantly by vested interests. A forensic audit for the last five years is required but it won't happen because the office-bearers are, or think, they are beyond reproach or the law.
'In this hammam,' as Manto Sahib said, 'everyone is naked.' "
From the Letters to the Editor in today's news:
ReplyDeleteA club in Lahore
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Many Gymkhana members of 'good breeding and class' who are regular readers of The News were indeed surprised that op-ed pages, which are normally meant to discuss matters of topical public importance, have been used by your columnist Masood Hassan to dissect (Oct 21), in minute details, the affairs of Lahore Gymkhana Club, which is a private club, whose affairs can at best be of concern to its own members and not the public at large. It also indicates the priority of your columnist that while the country is fighting a battle for its existence, he is lamenting the theft of eggs and milk from the Gymkhana club shop. As for the facts of his discourse, far from revealing anything that is new or hidden, it is based on the transparent tradition of the club preparing the Annual Report for the AGM 2009, and sending it to all members to be discussed threadbare by the general body. It appears that some disgruntled member has handed him a copy and prevailed upon him to share it with the world. Gymkhana Club in its years of history of more than hundred and thirty years has zealously attempted to safeguard its quality and culture. But like everything else in our society there is a decline and the past arouses nostalgia. But considering everything, it is still a very democratic institution, where free and fair elections are held every year, to elect a committee of management. The proof of the quality of the club is the hundreds of applicants still waiting in line, for years, to become its member.
Like in every democratic process, there are complaints which get highlighted in arguments inside the club and get corrected. The general body of the club, which meets annually, is a strong forum, where heated exchanges take place and corrective decisions taken. A recent example was the curtailment of the maximum number of times a member could be on the committee, when the AGM felt that some elected members were misusing their position. Similarly discretionary powers of the management for giving membership were strictly curtailed. Debate and disagreement is the essence of democracy and it goes on all the time in the club, which is an example of a good working democracy. After all why is it more popular (there are 1,300 hopefuls waiting in line to become member) then some of the other clubs in town run by nominated managements? We would, however, prefer that the debate pertaining to club affairs remain inside the club instead of appearing in newspapers.
Khawaja Pervaiz Saeed
Member, Lahore Gymkhana,
This is with reference to the article by Masood Hasan titled "A club in Lahore" (Oct 21). Unfortunately, what Mr Hasan has written about the particular club in Lahore is absolutely correct. What is more unfortunate is that the present and previous Committees of Management have not taken any measures to hold those behind the electoral and financial shenanigans accountable for their actions. This despite the fact that over 150 members of the club had written last year to the Committee of Management to have a forensic audit carried out. No action was taken.
Asad Alam
Three cheers to Masood Hasan for exposing a holy cow -- reference his article of Oct 21 titled "A club in Lahore".
Pervez Hasan