Every few days former HEC officials lament the lack of
funding to HEC in the context of a burgeoning youth population. No amount of
money is enough for these people, demands range from Rs 120 billion to over 300
billion per annum.
We have been on a university building binge for the last
decade or more and now have about a 128 universities. Yet a former HEC chief writes that we only
have about 7000 PhDs in these. That means that there are about 55 PhDs per
campus. And they tell you that a majority of these are fresh PhDs. That
experienced and competent professors are few and far between.
They are also quite clear that university education has to
be permanently and fully subsidized in the country.
They are very good people and well respected and far be it
from me to challenge them or to doubt them. And I do not.
However, I do think that HEC is working on a flawed model.
Let us see how.
First, let us review what a university is. When most of us
chose a university a building was the last thing that we had in mind. It was
professors and brand name professors at that. How did you recognize a
professor? By the research, ideas associated with her name, the books
published, the journal articles published. Professors are like stars of a university
and are cultivated as such by university administration.
Take for example LSE, or Imperial College or Columbia
University or even MIT. None of these have large campuses which sprawling lawns
and huge empty buildings. LSE for example has no green patch. It is a set of
buildings in the heart of London that is all. Yet it competes for the top
professors in the world hiring from India, Australia even Pakistan.
HEC has been building buildings and large campuses, leaving
professors for last. Could it not be
that some of the building money could have been used to get better professors?
Second HEC has bottom up approach to building a faculty—the
same model that has been in place for the last 65 years. We have been sending
people for PhDs for the last 65 years in the hope that it will build faculty.
Moeen Qureshi went abroad in the same hope as did Mahbub ul Haq. The record has
been terrible. Few return, those who do, depreciate their skills rapidly and
become a part of the bureaucracy seeking to preserve rents.
Elsewhere in the world the approach has been top down.
Universities build faculty around academic stars. For example, Columbia hired
Jeff Sachs at a large salary and gave him a whole institute. It is the senior
faculty that develops the culture of research, building workshops seminars and
public lectures. Their work attracts fresh PhDs who serve as apprentices and
over tiem graduate to professorships. Universities spend serious time and
effort to hire brand names and then give them serious resources to build
departments and centers around them to let this process evolve.
Merely sending thousands of students for PhDs is a mindless,
blunderbuss approach and is unlikely to yield results. Besides why do we not
learn from failure? This model failed in the past, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. Why
will it succeed now?
Third, HEC seems to be working on a model that all faculty
must be Pakistani. Hence they are sending large number for PhDs abroad. Most
successful university systems are fully globalized. The best professors can
virtually go anywhere in the world. Universities woo them. Most successful
departments in universities sport all nationalities. Why is it that all
Pakistani universities we see only Pakistanis (mostly Punjabis)? This is part
of the HEC model.
Fourth, HEC has an outmoded bureaucratic process for hiring
faculty and VCs.
They want to sit on a pedestal and wait for applications for
professors and vice chancellors. The rest of the world gave that up a long time
ago. Possibly they never adopted this silly system where bureaucrats sit in
judgment on serious academics. Universities are seeking serious professors for
these positions. The woo them through search committees, invitations,
sweeteners such as research grants, research assistants, choice of course and
research centers etc. The point is to attract someone not hire a menial through
some vague interview process. Obviously, this method rules out the best and
those who will not subject themselves to this bureaucracy. And those are
probably the best.
Fifth, HEC is stuck in a management model from the Model T
era. They are still counting publications and research in numbers rather than
quality. Ronald Coase Nobel Laureate who just died recently at age 102 was one
of the most respected law and economics professor in the world. But he only had
about a dozen
publications. HEC would not even have qualified him for a
He was also an economist with a position in the law school
at the University of Chicago as a professor in Law and Economics. Would HEC
allow that or would bureaucracy have stifled a fine mind like Coase?
Sixth, the issue of funding and subsidy has to be faced.
Should we follow the current model that seeks to give an across the board
subsidy to all or should the subsidy target only needy students?
Can universities raise some of their own funding? The state
has given many of them prime land. Can this land bank not be used to develop an
HEC approaches the issue of funding and subsidy emotionally
and not like cold hearted analysts to seek the best way forward.
We all agree that higher education should be subsidized and
we all agree that research should be funded by government. The issue is that
the state will only be able to provide so much. The university system must be
savvy and learn to manage business plans that include state subsidy, raise
resources, develop endowments and provide quality research and education.
To do this university management must be professional and
not based in grades. Has HEC built serious university management? It is not
even on the radar. They are still operating the system in government grades
where registrars are in grade 20. Maybe this outmoded system of registrars and
grade 20 also needs revision.
Lastly, universities are made by people with commitment.
They self-select themselves into universities because they want to build world
class institutions. How they are found, incentivized and retained is a large
part of the university culture. It is clear that a top down bureaucracy will
not empower such people.
The model that does allow this to happen is a much
decentralized system of university management. HEC works on a centralized
HEC should listen to its critics. There are very few
research-minded people in Pakistan and most of them have been critical of HEC.
Instead of listening to them engaging them and seeing how we can all move forward
together, HEC becomes defensive.
It is time for
maturity. Education is too serious a business to be left to an agency or
ministry. It should always be subject of debate and HEC should be encouraging
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