Getting the Archotecture of economic policy RIght
Ministry of Finance (MOF) has always found the discipline
of the medium term too difficult to live with. When the budget was in
difficulty it relied on either or both a) Cutting development and/or social
sector spending and b) Introducing arbitrary and distortionary tax or tariff
measures. In the short term to please various special interests, MOF developed
the SRO regime which impeded market competition and openness and hence impacted
growth. All three of these MOF initiatives- cutting development expenditures,
distortionary taxation, and the SRO regimes--challenge the planning process
while also severely impeding growth and development efforts.
since 1973, MOF has continuously struggled to take over the PC. PC was envisioned to be a technocratic
ministry under the PM. The Chairman of the PC
was the PM. Most FMs since 1973 have fought to become Planning Ministers a
position that should not exist.
continuous IMF Programs since 1988 have contributed to eroding the planning
process further. As is well known IMF programs
are not designed for growth. In the case of Pakistan the programs remained
focused on increasing revenues and holding the rein on expenditures often
either through a cut in development expenditures or through arbitrary cuts on
overall expenditures. As the programs went off track when difficult revenue
measures were not achieved, further arbitrary cuts were imposed often at the
cost of maintenance or efficiency. In all case growth suffered further.
With the PC and the planning process weakened there was no challenge to the
programming approach of the IMF and the MOF. Growth
and development suffered severely in this period.
MOF expanded as
part of Fund programs to take over functions of the PC as well as other
divisions. While the medium term, reform and
development functions were the PCs, MOF through donor support managed to
develop projects develop sections for economic reform, poverty management and
making the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, a substitute for a Plan.
Donor agendas
are facilitated in a weakened planning system but lead to a fragmented
development effort. Without a planning process
to coordinate disparate agendas individual donors find it easier to deal with
ministries that are not coordinated to accept studies, programs, policies,
capacity building, PMUs and even new agencies. For example, we have several heavily
funded projects running for years that no one has reviewed, e.g. PIFRA, TARP,
PMDC etc. EAD wants to coordinate donors without the discipline of the
Planning process even though the role of EAD is to purely manage donor
relations without getting into economic policy.
It should be noted EAD has no economic, technical or planning skills.
Without the
Planning process, fundamental reform is slowed down. The PSE problems arise because no one is pushing for, facilitating or
coordinating reform. Despite many Fund programs,
1) The tariff structure is riddled with SROs against
the open economy that Pakistan has committed to;
2) Commodity operations continue to choke domestic
credit and impose a claim on the budget;
3) Generalized subsidies continue unabated despite a
well-conceived social safety net;
4) The pricing structure still has too many
administered prices e.g. gas, electricity, wheat etc.;
5) Overall regulatory structure remains unfriendly
to investment and promotes anticompetitive practices.
6) The gains from productivity increases as outlined
in the PC FEG remain unexploited while all the government’s time remains
committed to projects that are riddled with inefficiency.
Architecture of economic policy making must be balanced to include growth and
development as an equal player to fiscal and inflation management. In the current architecture MOF places everything
under the control of short term fiscal constraints. SBP and the banking system
are forced to finance the deficit while long term growth is sacrificed
unthinkingly through expenditure cuts and distortions as described above. While
the IMF is arguing for SBP independence and there have been laws to that effect.
Surprisingly in a poor country like Pakistan, little attention is paid to PC
independence so that needs of growth and jobs are not forgotten.
Our failure to
make reform happen should alert us to a poor reform process. Yet the way forward for many years is to mainstream
and fast track reform. Our outmoded system of governance and public sector
management, our regulatory, our public service delivery, our work processes and
several other areas are in urgent need of modernization.
It should be clear by now that few in government
understand the reform process. Reform mostly happens at the behest of the donor.
There is little domestic research or thinking on reform. Donor reports drive
reform and are often full of mistakes eg TARP, Access to Justice, Civil Service
reform. Too often reform is command driven.
Reform is left to civil service officials who have
limited experience in change management. Change management which is a major
part of reform must be driven, monitored and incentivized externally.
There is little reform communication. Cabinet must mainstream change-management and
reform through its agent the PC. To achieve growth and productivity, we must
fast track reform. Without a reform process, we will continue to muddle along.
The PC through its mandate of long term growth and development must be the
cabinet’s change agent.
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