Finance and a donor-distracted SBP Nadeem Ul Haque
In 2008 financial overzealousness led the global economy over a
precipice but it did not kill the romance of finance. In particular donors love
finance and love to offer financial inclusion as a panacea for all societal
DFID and the IFC have made the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) run programs
for financial inclusion in exchange for loans for more than a decade. SBP mission
expanded into development and it opened up departments on housing, small and
medium business and microfinance. Meanwhile, the IMF was pushing for independence
for SBP with a sharp focus on monetary policy.
The country’s development body, The Planning commission has been
rendered a mere project office because donors have full freedom to do policy
SBP engaged in mission creep could not even design its own financial
inclusionprogram; it needed Oxford Policy Management, a UK based consulting
firm, to do the design.
Many million dollars later, SBP is pushing financial programs for these
SMEs, housing and microfinance with some form of subsidy or guarantee. Received
wisdom in this area is that the supervisor of the banking system should not be
involved in any way in either directing credit or offering subsidies or guarantees.
Monetary-Policy making can be conflicted if the SBP gets involved in
development policy.
Has the SBP done a sterling job in its primary mission—managing
inflation and the exchange rate? I think the consensus would be “NO!” SBP
presided on the at least 2 crises in recent memory and managed them badly. In 1998,
they had let the foreign exchange deposits grow to about 10 times reserves and
could only exit with a default.
In the early 2000s they had held on to a policy of exchange rate over-
valuation for about 7 years with widening inflation differentials. Eventually the bubble burst with an exchange rate
crisis when the rate depreciated by about 40% in a matter of weeks. In other
words, policy created room for an ‘exchange rate attack.”
Perhaps focused on development, SBP has always been wrong on exchange
rate. SBP has always erred on the side of keeping the exchange rate over valued
i.e., the dollar is cheaper that it should be.
Much research and evidence shows
that a developing country must keep the exchange rate undervalued i.e., make
the dollar more expensive than the fundamentals would suggest. Most glaring
example of that recently has been China.
(But before people think I am advocating a devaluation. No! it is a
question of managing a policy that will allow the correct exchange rate to
emerge just like the temperature and the RPM of a finely balanced machine.
Fixing the rate is not a good policy. This requires skill and research.)
Quite possibly, SBP focused on its primary task might have managed
exchange rate and monetary policy better. But now more than half the bank is
doing development policy in probably a turf battle with the Planning
commission. Remember, this has happened through the candy of money offered by
But now our distracted SBP has once again over-valued our exchange rate to
decimate our export sector.
Many studies (World Bank Doing business) have shown that investment is largely
constrained by factors such as weak property rights and contract enforcement
and poor governance (registration processes, taxation and corruption) and
knowledge and space constraints. A course in elementary finance suggests the
pricing of such risks will preclude most investment possibilities. Still
expends real resources trying to solve the problem through improving loan
terms. Offering cheaper and better loans to propositions that have huge
structural hurdles is unlikely to make them grow and achieve solvency.
How does this make sense and has this helped or hurt SMEs? Could DFID
and IFC evaluate their little experiment and tell us how the costs of a
distracted SBP square off against the non-existent benefits of this decade-long
activity. Are the 100 million + USD spend here justified? Could we not have
dedicated that money better to importing a few professors for our professor-less
Could they also tell us if all real problems can be solved merely with
clever finance? Is there no need to fix domestic institutions and governance
Surprisingly this project was initiated at the time of the global
crisis. It seems neither the donors nor SBP learned anything from the global
And let us not ask does EAD know anything of this? Should they have?
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